Looked After and Previously Looked After Children
At Feniscowles Primary School we are committed to promoting the educational achievement and welfare of children in public care and those previously looked after. We recognise that many children
Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children may (or may not) have some or all the following issues:
- low self esteem
- poor education standards due to time out of school
- delayed social/emotional/ cognitive development
- be bullied or bully others
- be prone to mental health issues
- be isolated with few friends
- have behaviour issues.
- poor attachments to others.
- have a need to be very private.
At Feniscowles Primary School, we will address this by:
- Providing a safe environment for all LAC & PLAC, where their educational experience is valued, high aspirations are encouraged and belief in the potential of all children is held.
- Ensuring that all LAC & PLAC are provided with, and have access to, support to enable them to have every opportunity to enjoy, learn and achieve in line with their peers.
- Ensuring that our policies and procedures for LAC & PLAC meet the requirements outlined within ‘The designated teacher for looked after and previously looked-after children, Statutory guidance on their roles and responsibilities, DfE February 2018.’
Our Designated Teacher takes lead responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of looked-after and previously looked-after children at our school. They are your initial point of contact for any of the matters set out our policy.
Our Designated Teacher is Mrs Metcalfe.
You can contact her by email: deputyhead@feniscowles.blackburn.sch.uk